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Your Smile is my FIRSTAID. vtatultiwari's post on Muzy
photo vtatultiwari's post on Muzy
I’m the type of person who would spend 20 years...
I’m the type of person who would spend 20 years becoming a judge, just so ONE person could be all, “You can’t judge me!” And I’m like, “Bullshit.” :D
who do u chose? apple, android, no silly billy blackberry, Undecided
Ever seen a bride as beautiful as this?
Your daily pic, delivered
Trending Questions Does it bother you when someone eats off your plate without asking if they can have a piece?If you met your younger self, is there anything you'd prevent or encourage them to do?What is your style ...
What's a cat without its whiskers?
All tucked in and ready for bed
Your daily pic is ready
When people don't laugh at my jokes I just
When people don't laugh at my jokes I just assume that they're not up to my level of comedy.
we live in world of smart phones and stupid
we live in world of smart phones and stupid people :P
Celebrating the colors of our beautiful...
Celebrating the colors of our beautiful relationship, I wish you and your family all the bright hues of life. Have a colorful holi !
Holi means:
Holi means: H:happiness of life O:ocean of colours L:language of love I:intergration with one another HAPPIIEEee HOLiii
I noticed that my friends status said, "Stood on
I noticed that my friends status said, "Stood on the edge of a cliff. About to jump". So I poked him. :D
this is a message 4 all those who DON'T DRINK
this is a message 4 all those who DON'T DRINK OR SMOKE! One day your old friends will die and you will be left alone.
if God made everything, then God must be
if God made everything, then God must be Chinese?,right?
ATUL TIWARI PHOTOGRAPHY Atul Tiwari Photo's Official Website
Atul Tiwari
Christmas is here Christmas is here Christmas we waited All this year. Christmas is joy Christmas is joy Under the tree Is an all new toy. Christmas is hope Christmas is hope Let us all skip The spinning rope. Christmas is peace Christmas is peace It...
American Red Cross: From passing blankets out in an emergency shelter to collecting blood donations, Red Cross volunteers give so much to help people in need. Send a Volunteer Valentine and share some love today!
Ask me questions about movies
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I am watching The Mechanic “Oh! Man Jason is awesome ” Check-in to The Mechanic on
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I am watching Zombieland 433 others are also watching Zombieland on
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I am watching Hop Check-in to Hop on